Blooming bush of climbing roses is able to decorate any garden. But in order to contemplate such beauty on your site, first you have to pat. Let’s figure out in detail what needs to be done for the successful cultivation of climbing roses in the average Russian garden. But about everything in order. Varieties of climbing roses are distinguished by multi -flowered and large -flowered weaved roses. The former are magnificent shrubs with creeping and arched shoots, the length of which does not exceed 2-5 meters. They are strewn with small colors that do not have a smell, of various terry, depending on the features of the variety. As a rule, these roses are collected in large elegant brushes up to 20 pieces and bloom once a season a little more than a month. In last year’s shoots next season, inflorescences are tied along the entire length. Therefore, after flowering, young shoots are not cut, but faded shoots are removed – two -year. During the period of spring care, weak and broken branches are cut. Large -flowered pink bushes have up to 3 meters in height. They have a long flowering period and often bloom again. Such varieties of climbing roses are very beautiful terry flowers with a fragrant aroma, similar to tea-hybrid varieties. They also form inflorescences of several pieces. Planting climbing roses do not plant climbing roses too close to each other, because they have long whips, which in the winter will have to be laid in shelter. For planting, a site without open sunlight is best suited, but not too shady. Try to ensure that the depth of groundwater occurs at least one and a half meters, since the climbing rose will grow poorly close to stagnant waters. The best type of soil is a fertile loam. And the best fertilizer will be the usual cow manure. Any climbing roses in the garden will grow for several years, so you need to carefully prepare landing pits. Their dimensions should be at least 0, 5 by 0, 5 meters. The earth removed from the pit must be partially mixed with humus, river sand and several spoons of superphosphates, and then pour back with a slide. Early spring is suitable for planting climbing roses, even before the kidneys bloom on the trees. Previously, the seedlings need to slightly cut the roots and stems by about 30 cm. After which the roots dipped in a clay chatter. It is also good to make a solution of copper sulfate (a tablespoon of sulfate is required on a bucket of water), and disinfect the seedlings in it, dipping them completely for half an hour. The seedlings processed in this way are placed on the hill, all the roots are straightened, then the hole is covered with earth, slightly compacted and properly, watered from the watering can. Care for climbing roses in the summer of weaved roses require special care. Young shoots are watered and fed, the earth is loosened under them and weeds are weeded. Thanks to all these measures, seedlings feel very well and repay the owner with noticeable growth. By the fall, it is necessary to prepare roses for the winter. With the advent of September, weak unbiased lashes are cut off. And with the first frosts, the bushes need to be spent, the supports for climbing roses are removed, and the lashes themselves are pressed to the ground. After the horizontal position becomes natural for them, the lashes must be assembled in bundles and sprayed with a weak solution of iron sulfate. With the onset of real cold weather: -6-8 degrees, leaves are removed from the lashes, and they themselves are covered with roofing material. The air gap must remain under this shelter. And as soon as snow falls, you need to sprinkle it from above. So weaved roses wait winter. With a warm whip is freed from shelter. The best of all for this event is cloudy or evening weather to exclude sunburned stems. Put the roses on a dry surface so that they dry out and ventilate. They also need to be adapted to sunlight, but only gradually. If traces of mold are detected on shoots, disinfect them with copper sulfate. After all preparatory measures are observed, the shoots can be tied to the established supports. Reproduction of climbing roses Webly roses propagated by cuttings and layering. Root -free varieties, unlike vaccinated, have exclusively cultural shoots, without wild shoots. It is best to propagate them with layering. In spring or autumn, choose several good strong shoots and dug from them in short grooves. Their bottom must be loosened, pour over with humus, and lay the selected shoots. The end of each shoot should be located in the vertical direction. This is easy to achieve if you pin the stem of the rose to the ground, fill the soil with the addition of humus and tamp a little. Water the stem all summer and loosen the earth, avoiding its drying out. And by the spring, the escape will start the roots and from the main plant it can be separated without problems. Transplant the new stem to the selected place and leave it under reliable care. The main thing is to prevent flowering of roses in the first summer. If the roses are propagated by cuttings, you can achieve more new plants. This is done like this: after flowering with roses, small cuttings are cut off, 15-20 cm long. Try to choose unreasonable stems from which spikes are broken off. They should not be too thick – the cuttings with a pencil thickness will be quite acceptable. It is better to take them from the middle of the stem. Remove a few lower sheets to be left alone. Ready cuttings are half lower into a solution of special phytohormones for several hours. For planting, prepare a small ditch in a shady site. She should have one vertical edge, and the bottom is previously covered with coarse -grained sand. Rose cuttings are placed in this groove, at a distance of 10-15 cm from each other, pressed to the edge, are covered with earth, compacted and well watered. Do not forget to loosen the earth, water roses and remove weeds after planting. Now you know everything about growing climbing roses. We hope that your site will soon acquire this beautiful floral decoration.
Webly roses in the garden, varieties, supports with your own hands
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