Annually, summer residents have to sow seeds of tomatoes for seedlings, and then plant grown crops in open ground. This procedure is very difficult and troublesome. In addition, the features of the climate of the middle strip of the country are such that without protection from external factors the heat -loving tomato is unlikely to thank you a good harvest. So today we will tell you how to grow tomatoes in a greenhouse. Growing tomatoes in a greenhouse and planting tomatoes in open ground – two fundamentally different agricultural procedures. Requested humidity, sharp temperature fluctuations depending on the change of day and night, the accelerated development of plant diseases and the accumulation of pests reigns inside the greenhouse. Therefore, the first thing we can do to avoid these troubles is to choose the right variety of tomatoes grown in greenhouses. Experienced summer residents know that it is best to plant hybrid varieties in the greenhouse, resistant to adverse external factors and diseases. Also, determinant and semi -determinant varieties, which have a limited growth rate, are suitable for growing. According to agricultural technicians, indeterminant tomatoes, with unlimited growth, do not always have time to reach the necessary phase during the growing season-three to four months. The formation of these crops occurs in one stem, and to form several hands, the landing will have to be carried out in early May, when there is still a threat of frost and a night decrease in temperature. If you land them later, tomatoes throw out only 3-4 brushes and, as a rule, the result is not worth the troubles. Limited growth in tomato favors the early formation of inflorescences and the offer of fruits. In addition, due to the frequent location of the inflorescences on the stem, only two of them are enough to form them. Thus, growing tomatoes in a greenhouse allows you to get 12-14 brushes from one seedling. It should also be noted that most of the fruits ripen before the onset of the first frosts: by the end of August – early September, so the late blight, or as it is also called, tomato plague, they do not threaten them. Here are a few recommendations for the correct cultivation of seedlings. Sowing tomatoes for greenhouses is carried out from mid -May to mid -April. But it is not recommended to exceed the life of plants in pots: 50 days will be enough. The aforementioned varieties of tomatoes are characterized by a small height of seedlings-as a rule, it is 30-35 cm. They are not afraid of either temperature fluctuations, nor a small size of pots, nor a lack of lighting. In any case, the seedlings will grow strong, with a powerful root system. So tomatoes will begin to bloom and bear fruit much earlier. Do not forget only to reject the sick and weakened seedlings. Planting a tomato in a greenhouse begins with a loosening of the beds. Their depth should not exceed 25 cm so that the earth warms up as quickly as possible. In addition, good drainage of seedlings is needed, because tomatoes do not like waterlogging. If all measures are met, already at the end of May or early June, you can transport seedlings to the country and transplant them into a greenhouse. But do not rush: first you should measure the temperature of the soil for landing, at a depth of at least 20 cm. It should be above 13 degrees, otherwise water and nutrients in the soil will not be absorbed by roots. At the planting stage, do small holes in the upper soil layer and spil. You can also add to each hole a spoonful of organic fertilizer. After that, you can plant seedlings to the level of cotyledon, but not deeper. Turn it in such a way that the inflorescences look at the passage between the beds: this is how the crop will rush earlier, because the shadow from the leaves will not fall on the fruits. If the seedlings have grown, put it inclined, towards the south. It is recommended to cut off several lower sheets, and sprinkle part of the stem with earth. The key to proper cultivation of tomatoes in a greenhouse is a refusal of watering within two weeks after landing. The moisture used during landing will also help to root seedlings, especially with cool weather. The same applies to the entire period until the first ovaries. Limited watering will not allow excessive drying out of the soil, which is extremely undesirable for plants. You can increase irrigation intensity only when the laying of the fruit began. But it is important to observe the middle ground-because the insufficient moisture of the soil at this stage leads to decay, and due to its excess, roots often die. Proper care of tomatoes in a greenhouse involves watering for the root of the plant. The soil should be moistened to a depth of at least 15 cm. Be sure to make sure that water drops and spray from the watering can do not fall on the leaves, otherwise infectious diseases may spread with their help. Be sure to feed tomatoes in the greenhouse. You can begin to make fertilizers from the first ovaries. For this, a solution of potassium monophosphate is suitable – a spoon on a bucket of water. But nitrogen additives at this stage are not the best fertilizer. After 8-10 days, the seedlings can be poured with solvent A or A1 (45 grams will need a bucket of water). When growing tomatoes in the greenhouse, fuel additives are also used that provide additional top dressing. They not only accelerate the ripening of the crop, but also contribute to the prevention of fungus in tomatoes. In this case, you can use any fertilizers, solving them well in water: calcium and potassium nitrate, aquarine, urea, potassium monophosphate. Only one teaspoon of fertilizer on a bucket of water is enough. This procedure is usually carried out weekly, alternating fertilizers among themselves. The best time for foliar top dressing of tomatoes is evening. So the leaves will dry out over night much more slowly, and the dew that fell out in the morning will favors the better assimilation of nutrients. At a great distance between the seedlings, it is recommended to put two stems. Stepsons are left under the first brush, and sometimes under the third – additional, from which you can also get a good crop. In general, the removal of stepsons should be carried out in a timely manner until they have grown 3-5 cm. When the larger processes are removed, the wound is formed on the stem, and the plant can get sick. And now the fruits are poured on tomatoes. Do not forget to cut off the lower leaves on the stem, so that when the first inflorescence is fully matured, there is no sheet on it, especially relating to the ground. The most suitable time for these procedures is a sunny morning. So the resulting wounds will drag on much faster. Few summer residents know that tomato seeds for greenhouses should not be planted next to the seeds of cucumbers. These two cultures require completely different levels of humidity and temperature. Therefore, it is better to plant them away, and for fidelity to install a transparent partition.
Growing tomatoes in a greenhouse, how to grow, varieties of tomato seeds, care and landing