In a situation where the old furniture served for a long time and lost the beauty of the appearance, it is not necessary to send it to a landfill. After all, you can make an external furniture decor with your own hands, after which it can become completely different, fresh. Furniture decoration can be divided into two difficulty levels. Global alteration of color, pattern, etc. D. and minor restoration, with the aim of masking scratches, cracks. However, real changes, new life receives furniture only as a result of complete restoration and decoration. The actual methods with which they perform furniture decor with their own hands are called so. Application of enamel and glossing under the old days. There is also a decoupage technique, gilding and decoration through a stencil. And the simplest technique is the application of strips to furniture. Each of the ways should be considered in more detail and possibly using the method you like, it will be possible not only to save finances, but also to get a lot of pleasure from the result. So, a simple technique for the color of beds, countertops and various chairs is the application of horizontal or vertical stripes to the surface of the furniture. This is done with the help of conventional paint and the limiting ruler, and as a result, the furniture acquires an original appearance and even a more logical and completed visual pattern. The easiest way in the process as a decor of furniture with your own hands is the skill of applying enamel to furniture. This method is suitable for complete restoration and for partial. Since the enamel has the ability to almost completely mask cracks, chips, scratches of various depths, scuffs on furniture, spots, its use in decoration is very relevant. And enamel is applied directly to the old surface, after a light grout with a skin. It is important not to make a mistake when choosing enamel, because enamel and paint are not the same. The difference between them is that it is the composition of the enamel, in addition to dyeing pigments, also includes varnish, which has an oil base. The enamel is classified as a semi -water, matte, glossy. Bright enamel colors successfully adapt furniture to the Art Nouveau style. A very common way to decorate furniture surfaces is decoupage. The essence of the method is that an applique, pattern is glued to a degreased, loaded surface. On top of such decoupage can be covered with varnishes, painted, etc. D. Optimal use of this appliances on kitchen furniture, in children’s rooms. Ornaments can be purchased both ready, and make it with your own hands from old photos, pictures from newspapers and magazines, etc. p. The technique is gilding furniture, very common and gives furniture a noble appearance, gorgeousness. The traditional gilding technique is that a special thin, gilded foil is glued to furniture. However, due to their high cost and increased labor costs, masters use a less expensive way. It is simple enough and consists in applying powder or pasta with a color of gold, for all furniture or its separate areas. A special look, furniture acquires when its individual elements are gilded. These are the frames of the mirrors, the hands of the door, the plinth. In addition to traditional gold, powders can have the color of copper, silver or bronze. One of the most simple ways to perform a decor of furniture with your own hands is painting with paints using a stencil. It can be made on their own and purchased in special stores. The technique is also popular due to what allows you to paint fabrics using specific colors. The method of artificial aging of furniture, using peculiar color transitions, is called glossing under the old days. For this, enamel is taken, which will be the main color, and to transition of shades and contrast, you use amber or white glaze. Less commonly used beige, black colors. The larger and brighter the contrast of flowers, the greater the effect of the antiquity. The glaze itself can be applied exactly or with the help of a sponge, gauze or crumpled paper. Then the original pattern comes out. Thus, using the techniques for decorating furniture, you can turn the usual configuration into something exclusive.
DIY furniture decor
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