The leveling of the floor is a very necessary procedure, especially it is necessary in the interior where the floor surface is not forced by furniture (Japanese style, minimalism style and luxury style). Also, the floor screed may be required if it is planned to lay a laminate or parquet board in the future. With your own hands, alignment of the floor can be performed in several basic ways: using a cement-sand mixture. Using a self -leveling mixture. Setting the floor with a combined method. Before proceeding to aligning the floor by any of the above methods, it is necessary to determine the degree of curvature of the surface – this is necessary in order to choose the most optimal way of leveling the floor. This parameter can be determined using the most ordinary building level – for this it is necessary to attach this level to the floor surface and by deviation to determine the slope of the floor. As mentioned above, there are three main methods of leveling the floor: the floor alignment using a cement-sand mixture to perform floor alignment in this way must be purchased in a construction store a ready-made cement-sand mixture based on a cement 150 brand 150. In order to make it easier to work with this mixture, it will be best added to it – a special substance – a plasticizer – which will make this very fluid mixture and simplify work with it. Before direct leveling, it is necessary to cover the base with a layer of primer – this will significantly improve the adhesion of the concrete screed with the base. The next step of aligning the floor will be a zero level set – the point from which the process of filling the floor will begin, and the installation of lighthouses will begin. Lighthouses must be set strictly according to the level of screed – to fix them, it is worth using any solid material. After installing the lighthouses, you can proceed to apply the mixture on the base. After application, the screed is evenly aligned with the help of not very long (1. 5-2 meters) Rules. After applying and aligning the screed, the floor must be left for 7-10 days- the most optimal period for drying. The leveling of the floor with the help of self -leveling screed this alignment process is much easier than the previous. First you need to prepare a mixture according to the technology, the instructions of which are indicated on the package. Further, the prepared mixture must be applied to the purified concrete surface and evenly distributed over the entire surface. Next, nothing needs to be done – due to its good fluidity, such a mixture is evenly distributed over the entire surface of the base. After applying, it is necessary to leave the floor for 14 days – during this time the mixture will have time to completely dry, and it will be possible to walk freely on it. The only recommendation when working with a self -leveling mixture is that when a floor surface drops, more than 1. 5 cm cannot be applied to this very mixture directly to the concrete base. For this type of floor, a combined method of leveling the floor is used. The essence of this method of aligning the floor is that the black screed is applied using a cement-sand mixture, and the finish is already using a self-leveling mixture, but only after the final set of strength of the first layer. If the floor alignment is carried out in the entire apartment, it is necessary to take into account one main point – since in different rooms of the apartment there are different coverage, then it is necessary to take into account its type and difference in thickness. In order for the floor in all rooms to be at the same level, it is necessary to make the screed in such a way that the thickness of the entire flooring is taken into account.
How to align the floor with your own hands
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