Home Economy Cactus


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“Environmental” innovations in construction suggest the study of nature, including its individual objects. A person can benefit from the same one from which it is extracted, say, animals and plants. For example, new opportunities for frame construction can look at a regular cactus. Its ribbed structure contributes to a rapid and flexible change in volume, and high ribs also provide additional shadow in extreme conditions of existence. The same ribs and wax raid on the stems allow you to collect rain water and deliver it to the roots. If you need tent shelters, then we advise you to follow the link given.

In essence, one accessory acting “according to the principle of a cactus” is already a sign for a person for many hundreds of years: this is an umbrella; This also includes the similar structure of the tent and tents. But what if this principle is transferred to the creation of ordinary buildings – residential, industrial or office? Thinking: a small apartment is easy to warm, it is easier to keep it clean. If the family is added, then you can simply push the frame and put partitions, and new rooms are ready. The semicircular shape of the building is better suited for organizing natural lighting and ventilation than traditional.

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