It has long been believed that if there are many wicker things in the house, including furniture, then this dwelling is a harmonious space for a cozy living. We pay attention to the weaving of furniture with your own hands. As a rule, for such a work of art as wicker furniture with your own hands, the material needs to be harvested in the fall. Many novice masters often ask the same question from which plant wicker furniture is made? The answer is very simple, you can use the branches of many plants, for example, willow, hens, alder, hazel, and in some cases they use raspberries and nettles. Typically, wicker furniture with your own hands is more easily made of bird cherry, since it is easier to cut into the ribbons, and at the same time a pleasant shade is preserved. Furniture woven from such material does not require special care. Autumn is considered the optimal time for blanks, namely, the period of autumn from October to frost, as well as workpieces, can be done the whole spring. It is in such a period of time that rods are very well cleaned and stored with dry. It is worth paying attention to how the rod is selected correctly. Firstly, the quality of the rod is very dependent on the thickness of the core. As a rule, the rod should contain a thin core, and the rod with a thick core is perfect for weaving the base of a large product or for braiding flower beds, weaving sun loungers and arbors. In stores wicker furniture is represented from willow vine, cirow, as well as bamboo and water hyacinet. It is also known that the fashion for wicker furniture appeared back in the 18th century. Historians claim that Prince Golitsyn brought this fashion from Europe to Russia. Already in the 19th century, such a craft as a vapor was trained in special schools. Over time, technologies appeared to bleach, as well as staining the vine. In Soviet times, this craft lost turns and wicker things and furniture, including began to be appreciated as chic and exotic. By the way, such products were crazy money. Nowadays, such products are also not cheap. Consider the process of making a rod for work. To obtain a fired white rod, it is boiled in boiling water. The first hour of coating should occur over high heat, and the rest of the time it is cooked over medium heat. Only two hours are enough, and the rod will acquire white color. After cooking, the rod is cleaned of the bark with a rough glove or a split. As a rule, elegant wicker furniture with your own hands will turn out only if a combination of a whole rod and tape is used. To do this, the rod is laid out into 2-3 parts, and it is done with a special trampler or a knife. When equal parts are obtained, ribbons are cut out of them. Of course, the first time this may not work, but it is worth trying and the experience will come. Now that the rods are prepared, you can proceed to the very weaving process. Remember that the rod before weaving becomes more elastic, it should be soaked in water. The soil time in water is about an hour, and after that the rod should still stay in wet fabric, this is about 15 minutes. This sequence is performed until the weaving material becomes suitable for working with it. Having done this several times, you will feel over time when the rod is already ready for use. Of course, there is little theoretical knowledge for the manufacture of products such as wicker furniture with your own hands, since this requires practical skills. To obtain such skills, you can take, for example, an old chair, a tubular frame of a folding stool and braid them. In the course of the performance of such painstaking work, you can see the manual that will indicate the correct direction of the path to you.
Wicker furniture with your own hands
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