A living wall is a kind of live fence consisting of trees or shrubs, planted close to each other, so that there is no way to go through. But the main goal of such a fence is not to protect, but to decorate. Plants need to be planted in such a way that they show the boundaries of the territory and hide the territory itself from prying eyes. Also useful properties are noise insulation and air purification. The hedge of coniferous or deciduous trees looks good. For such a “fence”, such types of trees as lilac, teas, linden, hawthorn, thuja, spruce or fir are suitable. The height of the fence depends on the type of selected plants. If the height of the hedge is up to a meter, then this is a “live” border, and above – already a “living” wall. Whether to release fence to freedom? There are two options for the formation of the fence: formed or growing freely. Free -growing plants do not require special care, they need to be watered, relieved of pests and cropped about once a year. For a formed type of hedge, it is necessary to do cutting 3 times a year so as not to lose shape. Nowadays, “wild” hedges became very popular. Due to various shrubs, they have a groomed, abandoned look. In the form they resemble a conventional fence, but they can be in the form of animals, arches or geometric shapes. But not everyone can afford such creations. Each plant has its own landing period. For example, in May it is good to grow shrubs in pots. The main thing is not to forget to water them on hot arid days. To create a curly hedge, it is worth choosing plants that carry the operator work. Books, spruce, linden or boxwood are suitable here and, of course, lilac. Lilac is the most inexpensive plant to create a fence, one of the most expensive such plants is TIS. TIS height is up to 10 meters. A skilled gardener is able to give plants almost any shape, whether it be a ball, square or triangle. With constant appropriate care, such works are preserved for more than a dozen years. Do not regret neither time nor money to create a formed hedge. Order such a fence in a specialized company and call an experienced gardener that will give your fence the desired shape. But keep in mind that such a hedge needs constant care in every season. So, in the heat, it requires frequent watering, and in frosts – daily trampling of the soil near it. But more than one generation will admire such beauty. What needs to be done. The hedge can put almost any. First, prepare a place for landing. After preparing the soil, we dig a moat about a meter deep and 80 cm wide. We loosen the bottom and put the overwhelming compost. Compost can be replaced with peat or manure. It is also worth adding mineral fertilizers. If the soil is dry, it must be moistened. The broken roots of seedlings should be removed. The gaps between plants calculate depending on the type. Landing is over. Coniferous plants must be sprayed with a drug that helps to take root, and deciduous – cut into one third.
Living wall
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