Liquid waterproofing material is a high -quality homogeneous and seamless layer of waterproofing, which has steam – and soundproofing properties. Such a coating is easily mounted and, if necessary, it is repaired.
There are several types:
Bitumen mastic is a homogeneous viscous mass that, when applied to the surface, becomes a monolithic coating. It is used to cover and insulation of concrete, metal, wooden structures, and for gluing different in structure, surfaces and building materials. And here they usually choose a good style,
Polyer-bitumen mastic or liquid rubber is a new waterproofing material, which is based on bitumen. Liquid rubber is used for various building surfaces: for the roof, for waterproofing the foundation, insulation of balconies and gender.
Polyurethane mastic is a liquid waterproofing material, which is based on water -repellent polyurethane resins. After application, it freezes and forms a strong and elastic compound, which has high resistance to ultraviolet rays. It is used for waterproofing and protects reinforced concrete structures, tanks, pools from corrosion. It can also be used as a tile screed and, as a protective layer for the floor in the garage or parking.