Home House A variety of colors in construction and interior

A variety of colors in construction and interior

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A variety of colors in construction and interior

Paint is a universal building material that has both practical and decorative purpose. Deciding with paint for your home (apartment, cottage, office, and t. D.), it is necessary to seriously take the choice of not only its color, but also the operational properties, which should correspond to its purpose as much as possible. In order to make the right choice, you need to have a basic idea of ​​existing types of colors.

Any paint is a dispersion based on which particles of various pigments and fillers are evenly distributed. Depending on the base of the solution, the paint is divided into two large groups: paints based on water and paints based on organic solvents.

Water-dispersion colors today are most widely applicable, as they have a number of useful properties (they dry quickly, do not smell, do not ignite).

The main types of water-dispersion paints include: polyvinyl acetate paints-PVA paints, inexpensive, light-resistant, but do not stand moisture. Butadiene-stylistic paints are not resistant to light, over time they burn out. Acrylic paints – made of acrylic resins, which when drying form a solid film on the surface. They dry quickly, do not smell, but the price for them is quite high. Silicone paints – made on silicone resins, have high elasticity and water resistance, withstand large temperature changes.

Organic solvent paints are used in modern interiors much less often. Olifa (oil paints), turpentine or white spite (alkyd paints) are usually used as solvents.Oil paints – have high moisture resistance and strength, but do not allow the surface to breathe. Alkyd paints are very durable, do not pass water resistant to wear.

At the same time, they are fire hazardous, drying out, toxic evaporation is released.

Despite its shortcomings, alkyd and oil paints are ideal for painting metal surfaces, window frames and doors. Their considerable advantage includes a fairly low cost.

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