Home Investment How to create a construction time?

How to create a construction time?

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How to create a construction time?

Create a SRO in our country have the right of a company that are subjects of economic activity. But what are the basic requirements for the design of the SRO? For the registration of the SRO, they are obliged:- to prove compliance with certain norms of the urban planning complex;- to be a non-profit partnership;- to collect at least 100 IPs;- provide participants with material and property protection and responsibility. In order for the construction time to pay for the possible damage to third parties, as a result of any work, the state provides for a mandatory compensation fund. The size of this fund is calculated for one partnership participant and should be at least one million rubles for each participant. Although it is possible to create a fund with the size of the fund for a participant in the amount of 300 thousand rubles, but this option is real only when the civil insurance is issued for possible damage. How does the process of decorating the SRO itself happen? And so, from the date of registration of the company in a special state register, it acquires legal rights to issue certificates of admission to construction work. Rostekhnadzor is engaged in the SRO Register, which publishes all its data and registers on the official website. And it is this body that is dealing with all issues on registering SRO, as it may even refuse to register the newly formed community of professional builders. Among other things, this organization is obliged to maintain its own register, in which detailed data should be included about all its participants and a complete list of their work, which will be issued tolerances. Also, all SROs should develop their own lists of documents with the established requirements for registration of certificates for admission. Well, find out more about how to arrange a construction time you can visit the site. Only there you will find qualified assistance and support for the design and registration of SRO quickly and without unnecessary costs. After all, the best and most experienced specialists and lawyers will work with you there.

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