Home Society Wall wallpaper removal process

Wall wallpaper removal process

by housesnews

Wallpaper replacement is excellent and, importantly, a cheap way to update the interior of the apartment. However, there is the only unpleasant minus in this event – a complex process of removing wallpaper from the walls. Why is it necessary to delete them? Firstly, to prevent the appearance after the next gluing of the wallpaper of the tubercles and depressions. Secondly, no one gives guarantees that the old wallpapers will not peel off, and if they are already peeled off, then new wallpaper will be affected accordingly.

To remove the wallpaper, you will need spatulas, warm water, steam generator, roller with needles, polyethylene film, drywall knife, adhesive tape, bucket and sponge. At leisure it will not be superfluous to find out how the repair of sectional gates is carried out. This information is very useful.

Washing wallpaper is easiest to remove, as well as on the basis of non -woven and vinyl, which have a strong film, which is applied to a paper base. To remove such wallpaper, they must be slightly scratched and moistened with warm water. After some time, they can be easily removed.

A little more difficult to remove paper wallpaper. This can be done in various ways: wetting with warm water, using specially designed liquids for this, using a steam generator, using a spatula and a grinding machine. If you do not have a steam generator, it does not matter, a regular iron and a wet rag will be able to replace it.

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