The first enterprises.
Simultaneously with Pavshinsky, the Leningrad 2nd State Industrial and Construction Plant-Combine Concrete and Reinforced concrete structures entered the Leningrad.
In Leningrad, the Barricade reinforced concrete plant, which produced reinforced concrete pipes for gravity water conduits and other products.
During these years, many construction organizations have created their workshops, landfills and construction projects for the manufacture of reinforced concrete products with a capacity of 3-5 thousand. M3 per year or more. So, in Moscow, the Builder Trust had two Stroydvors with workshops of high -power reinforced concrete products. The harvesting of reinforcing rods and small grids was organized on the Stroydvors.
The distribution in the construction of prefabricated reinforced concrete was facilitated by the released for the first time in 1933. “Instructions for prefabricated reinforced concrete structures”, developed by the Center together with the Leningrad Institute of Structures.
However, the level of use of prefabricated reinforced concrete in the pre -war years was small.
During the Great Patriotic War, the assembly reinforced concrete was successfully used as in the construction of defensive structures (DOTA parts, machine -gun caps, tetrahedrals, etc.), and in the construction of new enterprises relocated to the eastern regions of the country.
In the post -war period, when the cities and villages destroyed during the war began to restore new cities, factories and factories, the demand for assembly reinforced concrete sharply increased.
During these years, a number of design and research organizations (TsNIPS, NII-200, Promstroyproekt, Dnieper and Leningrad Promstroy Projects, etc.) teams were developed large -sized reinforced concrete structures for industrial and civil construction, including preliminary tense.
Today, the construction of industrial structures is also carried out at the highest level. Experienced masters are ready to complete the whole range of work for you now.