The process of ventilation of the house is designed to exchange air in the premises, to eliminate it from excess moisture, heat, various substances to ensure the purity of air and permissible meteorological conditions in the ventilated room.
In our country, it is not customary to install special ventilation systems, the natural ventilation of the house is preferred, since it is the simplest and cheapest. But if in the cold season, such ventilation is still more or less effective, then in the summer, with a standing air, there is no sense from it. In addition, modern building materials and technologies do not involve the implementation of this type of ventilation, and practically do not miss the air.
Ceilings are also related to the ventilation of the house. Stretch ceilings are most popular now. They are practical, fit perfectly into the interior, give a modern look to your apartment. Therefore, we advise you to install a stretch ceiling. This will favorably affect the ventilation of your home.
So it is better to engage in ventilation device in the house. The ventilation system should be selected depending on the necessary level of air exchange, the existing level of pollution, and must also comply with the conditions of the premises in which the installation will take place.
Ventilation systems are divided into exhaust and supply. The difference is that the exhaust ventilation system displaces dirty air from the room. And the supply system replaces the dirty air clean.