When the furniture is made with your own hands, it will not only fully meet the owner’s requirements, but also save his money. You can start with the hallway. To create non -standard furniture for the hallway with your own hands and not like store, you need to apply a certain imagination. Wardrobe for outerwear and hanger are the main items of the hallway. The cabinet can be ordinary and built -in. Its depth depends on the size of the hallway: in the small -sized, you can install a hanger, which in the form of mobile hooks will be attached on wooden strips. It is better to make cabinets up to the ceiling, with mezzanines – then they will be even more spacious. What is needed for the manufacture of furniture in the hallway? First of all, chipboard or plywood, the thickness of which is not more than 20 mm, as well as rails10x25 mm, you will need fiberboard or plywood 4-5 mm thick, as well as plastic or “self-shaped”- a film with which you can simulate a wooden structure of furniture. It will be good if you place a low shoe cabinet along the hallway, which can also be used for small things like boot creams and brushes. You can also mount a bench in one of the sections, leaning back if necessary: here is a place for sitting and shoes. It is noteworthy that the top cover of the cabinet can be simultaneously a hinged shelf. The hallway can continue with cabinets that can be built into the niches between the room and the kitchen. Depending on the purpose, the size of such cabinets will also be determined. The depth of the cabinet is optimal not more than 60 cm, and the height of the bar, on which the shoulders usually hang, is 170 cm, and the shelf for hats and hats can be up to 180 cm long. The shelves of the cabinet can be installed on the supporting strips, attaching them to the wall – but only if the walls of the apartment are well held by screws or nails. If this is not possible, it is better to build a cabinet on vertical supports-strokes or on the framework-by installing shelves in a spacer between them. The doors of the cabinets are attached to the door box, which must be inserted and fixed in the niche. You can attach the doors on the sidewalls of the cabinet. True, open doors can close the passage in the hallway – then you need to work on the complex construction of sliding doors. What material is it better to make a wall cabinet? Not necessarily made of wood – plastic or leatherette is suitable for upholstery. To make a cabinet, first you should assemble a 30×40 cm frame from bars, mount boxes, hangers and shelves inside, and then cover everything with plastic with liquid nails. The design of the mezzanine can be completely simple. It is easy to make it from wood bars, collecting them in frame screeds. Combine a pair of side frames on dowels (you can strengthen the angular screeds) with two shared bars, and then attach the resulting design to the upper shield. So that the mezzanine is well driven to the ceiling, as well as for the expansion of wedges, it is necessary to ensure that the vertical bars of the side frames in the upper part protrude over horizontal by 5-10 mm. And a little trick: to please your wife, whether to make holes for heels in the rear wall of the shoe cabinet, so that it is more convenient to store shoes.
Exclusive in the hallway
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