There is an opinion among the people that subject to all the rules for the care of the parquet coating, it can last three generations. Unfortunately, not everyone has pedantry and accuracy, so very often there are damage to the parquet that require repair. The most common type of violation of the integrity of the parquet coating requiring repair is the presence of potholes and scratches. This kind of damage appears due to many causes, and are easily eliminated with the help of a special retouching pencil, which is then covered with a layer of varnish. Large, deep potholes and scratches are best shut down with a plain putty with floor, after which the site dries with sandpaper, cleaned of dust and covered with varnish. Parquet bay is a very unpleasant event, because it is known that the tree absorbs water perfectly, and subsequently greatly expands. The degree of damage to the flooring in this case largely depends on the method of laying it, as well as the area of the bay. If the parquet took the form of the hill and rose above the base, its replacement is the best option. If the parquet after drying was deformed and dryed out, but at the same time it did not come off the base, in which case it is subject to restoration, but the costs often exceed the investments for replacing the board. If the parquet coating creaks, obviously, the technology was disturbed when laying it on bitumen mastic. In this case, experts recommend renting parquet and evaluate the level of floor curvature, if there are significant differences – level the surface and put the parquet again. During operation, parquet, boards and strips are deformed and the distance between them with the formation of slots is deformed and increases. In this case, the following technology should be applied. If the gap is small, it must be cleaned with a thin and sharp knife, and then covered with appropriate mastic or putty. In the case of a gap thickness of more than 5 mm, the use of the putty will be meaningless, since it will be dry out and fall out. Therefore, experts recommend deepening the gap, if it has uneven edges – to adjust them with a chisel and clean them. After drive into a gap cut from the corresponding tree, greased with carpentry or mastic insert. Upon completion – cover all flaws varnish. The cracks formed near the skirting boards between the last and adjacent parquet board are considered the most unpleasant damage. In this case, it is necessary to dismantle the baseboard and check the elasticity of the bursting wedge between the wall and the board. If the wedge is absent, and the gap is filled with foam – squeeze the bar from the wall and install the wedge into the vacant space, then fix the plinth. Depending on the degree of wear of the coating, it may be required to carry out its cycles and putty (materials for putty are usually used on the basis of water or nitro -glass), you can also apply special wax. Then several (usually three to four) layers of varnish, including soil layers are applied. At the same time, before applying the next layer of varnish, it is necessary to sand the previous.
Do -it -yourself parquet
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