The most economical and quick way of decorating a dilapidated house is its restoration using vinyl singing panels. Installation of this facing material is carried out on a special kind of inciseral frame. In the event that a house is made of wood, it is permissible to use a wooden crate, while the main condition is that wood should be thoroughly dried. The crate frame itself should be as even as possible. Concrete or brick houses should be covered with a metal crate.
As for the basement, this part of the structure is faced with basement siding panels, the fastening of which is performed according to a similar facade panels of the principle. Thus, the basement siding Alta -profile is a greater density, and forms can imitate, for example, sandy, brickwork or natural stone. This type of siding panels also distinguishes moisture resistance, and as for installation, it is performed using a special technology, the algorithm of which is attached to the panels. Now, in addition to wall panels, you can purchase more special details for decorating cornices, windows, roofs and doors. Machine panels are mounted with self -tapping screws in a specially designated hole.